Просмотр полной версии : Srok beremenosti 4 nedeli. U menja bil wchera 1 oe US. Wrach uwidel, cht...

17.05.2004, 23:25
Srok beremenosti 4 nedeli.
U menja bil wchera 1 oe US.
Wrach uwidel, chto ja beremena 3 ja.
No on goworit schto s odnim mogut bit problemi.
On mensche drugih ili schto to w etom rode..
Ne mog li bi wi mne podskasat, schto on imel w widu ili chto on mog imet w widu?
U menja termin tolko na sledujuscheji nedeli.
A ja zadawala wse nete woprosi kakie hotela. Posle takogo schoka.

I esche odin wopros, moschet kto znaet kakie-nibud adressa w internete, gde moschno najiti informaziju o dwojinjaschkah ili trojinjaschkah.

Za ranee blagodarna

Pasenjuk A.M.
18.05.2004, 09:12
In the first cease to be nervous - the real picture will be clear on US in 8 9 weeks because some fetal eggs sometimes are pawned, but really maximum in two embryoses are formed

20.05.2004, 00:06
Come on a subscription (Subcrube-on mine so she is called) and subscribe for dispatch " All about twins "