Просмотр полной версии : Hello, podsazhite please, that at me. In 7 months after sorts or labors at...

17.05.2004, 05:49
Hello, podsazhite please, that at me. In 7 months after sorts or labors at me in the middle of a cycle (in 10 15 days after a menses) have started to appear brown allocation with clots, but without a blood. I have handed over analyses that's all right, the doctor brachiums pozhalala and have directly told or said, that neznaet what's the matter. This month tazhe history, monthly should begin only in 15 days, and I am am left with this muck days 5, is firstly simple mazolo, and today vylelos in the morning nearby 40 50 ml and in current of day there were clots. I in rasterennosti what to do or make if our doctor the divisional shrugs brachiums. Yes, and pains any thus are not present. In advance thanks.

19.05.2004, 13:11
It is hormonal failure. Probably it is necessary to think of hormonal preservation.