Просмотр полной версии : Hello! To me of 25 years, beremennostej nebylo, abortions and abortions too...

15.05.2004, 10:31
Hello! To me of 25 years, beremennostej nebylo, abortions and abortions too. A biopsy, rezultat-glandular erosion shejki uteruses at a stage of an adhesion One year ago did or made. Monthly regular. The last have gone or send in 27 days, is usual 29 30, there were 7 days. On 8 would put after the sexual certificate or act like as have again begun, but it is not strong krovjanistye and smeared rozovato-zhelto-white day 3. Has addressed to the gynecologist in TSPiR. US of genitals or genitalias has shown a chronic metroendometritis, the result of a smear is yet known. Venereal diseases, except for gardnereleza, ktoryj treated 3 years ago, did not come to light or was not taped earlier. Tell or say, pozhajlusta, whether there can be this diagnosis erroneous? How precisely to define or determine the diagnosis? Very much I experience... Thanks.

Malanova T.B.
19.05.2004, 10:17
On clinic it is really similar to an endometritis. It is necessary to treat, it is better with application of a physiotherapy.