Просмотр полной версии : To me 24 years. I have a guy. Up to it or him I did not make love and sootvets...

17.05.2004, 06:08
To me 24 years. I have a guy. Up to it or him I did not make love and accordingly I am in a untouched status. We have tried to make love to it or him, but it has caused or called an awful pain then the blood has gone in me and all the day she went vvide a menses. I descended or went to the gynecologist, have made uzi, to me have told or said it's OK and moreover pleva is not touched. And now, as soon as we again try to make love at an initial input or entrance in a vagina at me there is an acute pain, that I simply cannot suffer or bear it or her. Prompt as to consult it or this, probably there are any preparations? Thanks.

The anonym
17.05.2004, 17:32
Is vaginalnye sprays and ointments which have local obezbalivajushchy effect. Are on sale in seks-shops.

19.05.2004, 08:02
Thanks, I hope will help or assist.