Просмотр полной версии : Hello! At me such question which excites me already very much for a long time...

15.05.2004, 13:15
At me such question which excites me already very much for a long time. The matter is that 2 years ago I have caught from the constant partner a chlamydia, a ureaplasma, a mycoplasma and gardnerelloj. I longly could not recover, t. To. Continued to contact to it or him, catching and being treated by each time anew. I have recovered finally only this winter. Then I some times handed over on these infections and received negative result. But in the spring in me pochemu-that have again found out gardnerellu though contacts at me any more were not in general. I was again treated and have recovered. I had a new sexual partner which I have forced to hand over analyses on all before beginning with it or him a sexual life. Analyses were negative. And now I have again handed over a simple smear which has shown, that all like vporjadke, but very big kol-in leucocytes (it is more 40). The doctor has appointed or nominated to me new treatment, but for what? I think, what I likely again should hand over on all infections? I am very tired from all it or this! Any expert cannot finish the cure of me up to the extremity or end. Please, prompt that to me to do or make further! Thanks.

Malanova T.B.
19.05.2004, 05:34
1. On smears - at you a banal colpitis which can be at each woman. 2. The bacterial vaginosis - disturbance of equilibrium of flora of a vagina, sexual by is not passed. 3. A banal colpitis it is banal and it is treated.