Просмотр полной версии : The dear doctor! Respond, please, to my question: pregnancy 17 18...

13.05.2004, 14:09
The dear doctor! Respond, please, to my question: pregnancy of 17 18 weeks. Handed over the analysis of a blood on a hemoglobin. Result - 111. The doctor has told or said, that low. Has registered Ferrum lec. In tablets. Before (approximately in 14 15 weeks) the analysis on a hemoglobin too was 111. Accepted Maltofer Fol + Maternu (from 15 weeks). But the hemoglobin, probably, has not risen. Tell or say, please, such low level of a hemoglobin is not so dangerous to the child? What agents it is possible to lift a hemoglobin? Thanks.

15.05.2004, 04:59
At all pregnant women the level of a hemoglobin in a blood at me in general strongly goes down was 90, registered tablets iron with vitamin C on one in day, has raised or increased only in 2 3 weeks.
It is necessary to eat iron containing products, meat boiled or stewed, and ushche grechku to grind on a coffee grinder and to accept on the spoon in day.

16.05.2004, 17:41
I always had a low hemoglobin. And during pregnancy the same is naturally low. I have lifted it or him so: first saw Fenjuls, then Maltofer also walked for 2 3 hours per day.

18.05.2004, 09:37
- To mine, it is always better to raise or increase a hemoglobin natural products: garnet juice, pomegranates, a buckwheat cereal, a liver and. t. d.

Pasenjuk A.M.
19.05.2004, 00:20
It is the bottom border of norm or rate for pregnant women. The low level of iron is dangerous disturbance of a fetation, a bleeding, premature birth or births. For rising a level of a hemoglobin it is necessary to eat the products rich with iron - grechka, apples, red meat, pomegranates, a liver, a green peas. Iron preparations are shown only at depression of serumal iron