Просмотр полной версии : Hello, the delay about 4 days has bought or purchased the test but the answer From me otritsateln...

17.05.2004, 14:10
Hello, the delay about 4 days has bought or purchased the test but the answer From me negative, and in hospital speak positive. Whether it is necessary to believe test-to strias.

The anonym
18.05.2004, 13:16

18.05.2004, 21:12
Just the blood is not 100 % result.
At my girlfriend dysfunction of ovaries. There was a long delay. Bought tests - pregnancy is not present. Has decided to hand over a blood - analyses have shown pregnancy 2 months. Has repeated the analysis of a blood in a month - again pregnancy 2 months. Whether well it is ridiculous. As a result of any pregnancy at it or her was not. And for 100 % of result it is better to make US.