Просмотр полной версии : Hello! Tell or say, pozhalusta in techeniikakogo vremini after not prodohrat...

17.05.2004, 14:46
Hello! Tell or say, pozhalusta in techeniikakogo vremini after not prodohratinelnogo the sexual certificate or act it is possible predatvratit pregnancy and with what skedstvami. The matter is that I only two months live in Germany of tongue neznaju, in a drugstore obesnitsja I can not, can there are national agents. Very much I hope for yours pomoshch zaranie it is grateful.

The anonym
18.05.2004, 13:56
Hello! Tell or say, pozhalusta in what current vremini after not prodohratinelnogo the sexual certificate or act it is possible predatvratit pregnancy and with what skedstvami. The matter is that I only two months live in Germany of tongue neznaju, in a drugstore obesnitsja I can not, can there are national agents. Very much I hope for yours pomoshch zaranie it is grateful

18.05.2004, 18:16
At me erosion shejki uteruses. To me have advised to accept oblepihovye suppositories.
Has noticed that the breast was strongly poured and hurts.