Просмотр полной версии : The dear doctor! Comment, please, on results of US. Term 27 28...

17.05.2004, 03:37
The dear doctor! Comment, please, on results of US. Term 27 28 ak. Weeks (LMP: 14/10/2000. BPD 7, 09; OFD: 8, 78; HC 25, 07c; APD 7, 57; TAD 7, 29: AC 23, 35c; FL 5, 62. Intimate or cardiac activity - 146 ud./mines. (a rhythm correct). The placenta is located on a forward wall of a uterus, in day or bottom;fundus. Thickness of a placenta - 2, 7 see the Degree of a maturity - 1. The moderate hydramnion (AUA: 28w0d EDD (AUA): 17/07/01; GA (LMP): 27w3d EDD (LMP): 21/07/01). Waters without a suspension. A tonus - abs. The internal fauces are closed. Heard, that a hydramnion - an attribute of a fetal infection (earlier at me it or him did not reveal or tap). How much or as far as in this case fears are justified (in the anamnesis - ESHM, periodically becoming aggravated vaginalnyj a colpitis, a mycoplasma, ureplazma)? Whether there Corresponds or Meets, in your opinion, a degree of a maturity of a placenta (1) term 27 28 ak. ned. Attributes of a vaginitis (a burning sensation, rez have in parallel become aggravated at an emiction) an ESR - 18. To treatment of a colpitis during pregnancy applied " Klion-D " and "polizhinaks" courses sootvetvenno 10 both 6. Ureplazmoj and in a mycoplasma was not engaged. Now doctor ZHK has appointed or nominated again " Klion-D " (colpitis) and "Viferon" (ureplazma). Your opinion, whether it is not necessary to begin more radical complex treatment (for example, with application of erythromycin)? If yes, give, please, your concrete references (it would be desirable to begin treatment immediately). Awfully I am afraid of a fetal becoming infected! Whether there is no such threat now? After holidays necessarily to you on reception (I the regular customer of your site and you for me the big authority). In advance thanks.

Pasenjuk A.M.
18.05.2004, 17:40
Katya, thanks for trust. Under the description there is an opportunity of a fetal infection, because it is necessary to exclude on serologicheskomu to the analysis a ureaplasmosis and a mycoplasmosis (the analysis of a blood on an immunoglobulin of M to the specified infections) + is preconditions to formirovanijufetoplatsentarnoj nedostatochnnosti. It is required at given stage to spend local treatment, it is possible appointed or nominated by the doctor. And Viferon it is obligatory! + hofitol on 13 time, application of antibiotics needs to be solved on a serodiagnosis. Because all antibiotics should srogo be shown at pregnancy. Success!