Просмотр полной версии : The dear doctor! Two weeks ago to me have made a laparoscopy (on 8 put a cycle...

12.05.2004, 02:18
The dear doctor! Two weeks ago to me have made a laparoscopy (for 8 day of a cycle). Prizhgli an endometriosis of 2 degrees. Have removed paraovarialnuju a cyst on the right, have divided or undressed solderings in a small basin. Hromogidroturbatsija: uterine pipes are passed or taken place;passable. A hormonal background by way of. Have told or said to wait mentsruatsii and in the first day to make a nyxis zoladeksa then in 28 days still. e. It is impossible to become pregnant 2 more months. To me of 25 years, did not give birth or travail to abortions, infections were not. It turns out that it is necessary to wait for 2 more months and to not become pregnant. A question: application of such strong medicine as zoladeks is how much justified and there are likakie-that alternative decisions? More short-term? In advance spaibo for the answer.

popenko. Century
12.05.2004, 22:17
Zoladeks in this case it is quite justified. During oprerativnogo treatments could remain the microscopical centers of an endometriosis invisible an eye. If not spend additional hormonal therapy an endometriosis can to arise again. Except for Zoladeksa the depot form Dekapeptila and Diferelina can be used.
Yours faithfully to. M. n. Popenko Elena Vasilevna.

Kamenetskij B.A.
14.05.2004, 13:00
Vick! Should upset you. The matter is that prmenjaja this preparation the opportunity to become pregnant will come or step not in two months (as you assume) and later t. To. After application Zoladeksa the menstrual cycle to be restored not earlier than in 1 month (can and up to 3). If to consider or examine;survey alternatives certainly it is possible to not apply this preparation, however the treatment appointed or nominated to you is optimum in the given situation.

14.05.2004, 14:50
Vick! I advise to descend or go on one consultation, in Moscow have opened super kliniku-the equipment and vysotehnologichnye procedures, nou-hau from America, director worked some years in America, 123 90 07 Nagornaja, 4 Moscow

15.05.2004, 23:50
Vick! I advise to descend or go on one consultation, in Moscow have opened super kliniku-the equipment and vysotehnologichnye procedures, nou-hau from America, director worked some years in America, 123 90 07 Nagornaja, 4 Moscow

17.05.2004, 13:05
Thanks ogrmnoe for your attention and answers. Me what question interests still here, and you would appoint or nominate in such situation zoladeks, be I your patient? Or any other preparations (I do not try to doubt of qualification of my attending physician, simply it would be desirable to know about other possible or probable variants)? Natalia, thanks huge for advice or council, but I already so namykalas on doctors, that, ostanovivishis on Oparinskom the center I probably shall not risk to begin anew treatment in other. Once again thanks. Vick

Kamenetskij B.A.
18.05.2004, 12:53
Yes, I would appoint or nominate.