Просмотр полной версии : At me 1 + group of a blood, at the husband 4 + group of a blood. The first child was born with...

18.05.2004, 06:10
At me 1 + group of a blood, at the husband 4 + group of a blood. The first child was born with 2 + group of the blood, the second son was born with 3 group of a blood - it or he had a hemolitic illness or disease of newborns (in a maternity home poured in eritromassu), the conflict on group. Antibodies were found out in me in a blood and in milk. A question: what probability at the third child of occurrence gemolit. Illnesses or diseases. That mlzhno to make during pregnancy. And when in female consultation has started to speak about the group conflict, and they have told or said, that the main thing a rhesus - ostadbnoe nonsense. In advance thanks.

Nekrasova N.J.
18.05.2004, 12:23
The conflict on group of a blood is possible or probable, because in such marriage or spoilage children only with 2 or 3 group of a blood can be born. Group antibodies at you in a blood are (time there was a conflict at the second child), at the subsequent beremennostjah they can cause occurrence of the group conflict. Usually conflict on group of a blood proceeds easier and more imperceptibly, than a rhesus-conflict, therefore to you and have told or said, what is it nonsense. But nevertheless it will be necessary before pregnancy and during it or her to hand over a blood on group antibodies. I still advise to ask a question to our gynecologists because they have experience of conducting pregnant women with group and a rhesus-conflict.