Просмотр полной версии : Hello Boris Aleksandrovich! In your opinion it is how much informative and...

15.05.2004, 16:44
Hello Boris Aleksandrovich! In your opinion the urgent analysis of a blood on hormones (Oestradiolum, Progesteronum) in day podsadki and in 7 days is how much informative and obligatory. On sites posjashchennyh EKO the inconsistent information is given. In some clinics of patients some times for the report pozvergajut to this research, and in the some people consider or count, what is it waste of time, money and nerves. It would be desirable to learn or find out your opinion! Thanks!

Kamenetskij B.A.
18.05.2004, 12:05
If this research can change tactics of treatment (there can be technics or technical equipment of carry of an embryos or still something????), and in 7 days depending on the received results the dose of the appointed or nominated preparations of Progesteronum will be various at you and a certain woman with distinct from your results in this case such researches, probably, are necessary. Though at me is boooolshie doubts under this bill.