Просмотр полной версии : People, please, help or assist.. So it would not be desirable to go on doctors ilieto...

15.05.2004, 07:06
People, please, help or assist.. So it would not be desirable to go on doctors ilieto nebhodimo? And who is the carrier or bearer ureoplazmy, the man or the woman and who to her is ill or sick?

The anonym
16.05.2004, 16:48
It is necessary to go to the doctor, you not a rhinitis, and to go it is necessary quickly. Ureoplazma - the sexual infection which can wear and men and women, is treated imunoterapiej + antibiotics. Sometimes from the first does not cure, and remains in an organism. Then spend repeated courses of treatment.

18.05.2004, 07:03
Yes you carry delirium, comrade the previous orator! It is more fashionable, than a dangerous piece. Ureaplasmas live in normal flora at 30 % of people. Harm, prinosimyj them, is proved by nobody. Simply conveniently on all of them to bring down, as on a whipping boy. The previous orator of the rights only in one, that it is necessary to strengthen immunity, t. To. It is bad, when such bacteria of type of ureaplasmas expand also them becomes more, than it is necessary. Then they like as can cause or call inflammatory processes in a genitourinary tract. And harm from the antibiotics applied to "treatment" of ureaplasmas, more, than from ureaplasmas so somebody has told or said to me not, and the pediatrist.