Просмотр полной версии : At me term of 16 17 weeks, 2 weeks I hear very distinctly or clearly as moves...

05.05.2004, 09:57
At me term of 16 17 weeks, 2 weeks I hear very distinctly or clearly as the child moves, but he not simply moves, and is kicked, arranges a disco, to me even sometimes is hardly sick. The tonus is not present, the doctor speaks, that else early, type it is an intestine. At whom such was? Can be valid I romance? But jerks repeat on a regular basis every day, in the morning and in the evening.

07.05.2004, 00:43
I am amazed to our doctors, to me too have told or said in 15 t weeks that cannot be pushed still (though I felt clearly) but when I in 16 17 have seen as literally bugorok on a stomach or belly appears from strong kicks, it was finally convinced, that has started to feel pinochki with 14 ti weeks. Character of kicks then a little bit varies, after 20 ti already felt not only kicks but also as the kid overturns (such sensation as the wave on a stomach or belly), already probably has got used, though too there were moments that thought, oh... Well it would be pushed less, whether is more delicate chto-, like ka dochuru prophesy UZisty:-)., but as the child reduces activity I start to worry, is better pushed let strongly!

07.05.2004, 08:29
To us now 18 weeks and I too distinctly or clearly hear the kid from 15 weeks though earlier and not every day. To me too all spoke, that early, what is it " something another ", all over again itself doubted, but now I am assured as earlier and now it is the kid! Hudovogo teleadditions of the girl start the kid to feel earlier:-)!

09.05.2004, 01:07
Pay attention, how much approximately for a day you are on fresh air, t. To. Kicks and "disco" can testify to a dyscomfort of the baby, napr. - oxygen starvation.

12.05.2004, 04:32
By the way kicks and "discos" according to my doctor, the phenomenon speaking, that with the kid that's all right, accordingly oxygen starvation here does not match. Alain, is your doctor so considers or counts or you have read through gde-that?

14.05.2004, 08:59
He/she is I treating doctor, I heard such from the psychologist on courses of mothers and, besides this opinion of some pregnant and given birth or travailled.

17.05.2004, 06:41
Yes! Has recollected one more clause or article where it was spoken that excessive "kicks" of the kid at all expression of rough pleasure, and the protest something. As an example listening by mum of music was resulted or brought. On the personal experience I can tell or say, that tested "kicks", listening "Skutera":) (In a consequence has decided "not get" masku similar tararamom), then there was a peak of activity when I couple of weeks simply sat the at home, not leaving on street. Has reflected and above it or this, began to walk - dityo has calmed down and "stukat" it became moderate, at the habitual, "put" o'clock. And now I began to notice (at me 34 I week), that masik starts to potter persistently when I "overstay" behind a computer moreover and if the TV thus is included or switched on. So my opinion - it is necessary to try to allocate the reason of trouble of the kid in each separate case. And the main thing: (from same clause or article) it is necessary to react to its or his appeals. He tries to communicate to mum, to state any attitude or relation or desire. Yes, it can be and not oxygen starvation, and it is just necessary to talk to the child (it is desirable aloud!) to stroke a tummy, to let to him know, that it or him hear and like. All of success and good mutual relations with detkami!!

17.05.2004, 19:23
It agree with Alenoj, oxygen starvation when it is strongly kicked. But the brain of the child activly develops in the moments of oxygen starvation - such situations are recommended even to be modelled specially during pregnancy. And more when the child tests trouble he is kicked. If the doctor speaks " very well, time is kicked ", he has in view of, that the child is alive, means that's all right. Nobody doubts of it or this. And here that to the child can be uncomfortably, badly, the doctor does not think.

18.05.2004, 07:00
Well let's not be "uncomfortably, badly" in 16 17 weeks. Give the future child ponaslazhdatsja freedom of movements, the space for the present allows. Certainly, if you sit or lay, strongly having pressed a stomach or belly he can show some discontent. For now enjoy the first movements of your kid even if then they will be not always painless. It absolutely agree with Anna's first answer, that let it is better pushed strongly, than absolutely calms down for some days as happens with me.