Просмотр полной версии : CHto-something heard about a thrush but so I can not understand, what is it such. Here at me...

17.05.2004, 21:27
CHto-something heard about a thrush but so I can not understand, what is it such. Here at me the input or entrance in a vagina itchs (constantly hochetsja to be engaged with...) and sometimes white cottage cheese allocation. Whether it is necessary to be fallen down and as it will affect or influence the partner. In advance I thank.

18.05.2004, 02:25
The thrush is a status described body height of fungic or fungal flora in sexual ways with development of an inflammation and signs which you describe. Usually arises before monthly, after reception of antibiotics, in most cases treatment does not demand as passes or takes place independently. It is desirable for you to descend or go to the gynecologist to hand over smears from sexual ways, probably, that the inflammation is connected not only with fungic or fungal flora, and further under the text that will tell or say bakterioskopija smears, and treatment of yours kolpitaju will be such