Просмотр полной версии : The doctor, solderings are found out in me in pipes of a uterus. Advise as it zabole...

Elena Strugaleva
14.05.2004, 07:52
The doctor, solderings are found out in me in pipes of a uterus. Advise as this disease it is possible to cure. In advance thanks.

Kamenetskij B.A.
15.05.2004, 18:48
Treatment vnutritubarnyh solderings maloperspektivno. Most likely to you will have to resort to methods of an auxiliary reproduction (EKO)

16.05.2004, 13:34
The doctor spent on an obstruction of pipes has advised me to pass or take place inspection protivovosp. Treatment without an operational intervention. Whether this variant is possible or probable at small solderings

Kamenetskij B.A.
17.05.2004, 16:53
The most actual in this situation is the question: How long your doctor plans to spend treatment? Absence of effect from carrying out of conservative therapy within a year, is an occasion for change of principles of treatment.