Просмотр полной версии : Hello evromedprestizh. You have not responded to my letter. I write in already in 3...

12.05.2004, 22:57
Hello evromedprestizh. You have not responded to my letter. I write in already in 3 and I hope for a fast reply. At my son during sorts or labors the cord or navel has wound a neck. The doctor has not made during kesarego, labors have passed or have taken place estesstvennym by, but there were oxygen starvations of a brain and in rezultate-DTSP. Sejchas-2 pregnancy. Already 33 and me 36. Whether I Should ask at once cesarean or it is possible to try to give birth most? What probability of a repeated encirclement of a cord or navel? Vzaranee it is grateful for the answer. SHaira.

15.05.2004, 09:39
I not evromedprestizh, but can answer your question. That you during the first sorts or labors had an encirclement at all speaks that the encirclement will be second time. To ask at once cesarean to you it is not necessary. Necessarily pass or take place US in 36 weeks and uvedomte the doctor that he has paid attention to a cord or navel and has excluded (or has confirmed) an encirclement. Tactics of sorts or labors depends on type of an encirclement. If the cord or navel does or makes a loop around of a neck, an encirclement double or a cord or navel short - ask cesarean. Success to you.

17.05.2004, 14:30
To Ekaterina. Many thanks for the answer