Просмотр полной версии : Hello! At me last time (about one month) - is valid very much ch...

Nina Alekseevna, 54 years
17.05.2004, 08:32
Hello! At me last time (about one month) - really very frequent desires in a toilet (behind a clear advantage I have in view of that men do or make costing or standing). And almost always it would be desirable strongly, in summary... (how to be spoken, work on rouble, result for copeck). I eat, I drink as well as is usual; seldom, not often, it is not enough, not much. Any sereznyh chronic diseases at me are not present. "There" nothing hurts. Any colds recently too did not hurt or be ill;be sick. Excuse for, probably, too frivolous style, but it really very much disturbs me, "incontience" similar almost at me never was. Why it occurs or happens? What is this disease? How to treat?

Oshchepkova S.R.
17.05.2004, 14:26
The reasons can be razznye: 1. (chlamydias, mycoplasmas, ureaplasmas), tjueju it is necessary to hand over infections smears with provocation by Pyrogenalum + crop wet; 2. Hormonal age problems; 3. A ptosis of a forward wall of a vagina _ plastic operation is necessary or the uterine ring is put, etc. it is necessary for you to come on reception to the gynecologist and doobsledovatsja.