Просмотр полной версии : Question; to Me and I 3 years married but children while are not present 30 years, At check at vr...

16.05.2004, 23:37
Question; to Me and I 3 years married but children while are not present 30 years, At check at the doctor the augmentation of a thyroid gland in this connection raised or increased Prolactinum 22 is revealed, 5 (at norm or rate 16, 5) after treatment for microbes - chlamydias and setamegalija (ozonotherapy) of viruses in an organism does not remain but Prolactinum has raised or increased up to 28, 5, To destination the doctor began to accept parladel in current of 20 days - there were strong pains in the field of a loin of ovaries and breasts, At check on Prolactinum he has again raised or increased up to 32, 5
Dear spetsiolisty that it could mean and what to me to do or make now?

Rabaev S.G.
17.05.2004, 10:12
Nevertheless insufficiently given, list than and when hurted or were ill;were sick, what preparations accept, what inspections are executed.