Просмотр полной версии : Tell or Say please so it is necessary to measure BT in a cycle when pesh klostil or not?...

11.05.2004, 23:09
Tell or Say please so it is necessary to measure BT in a cycle when pesh klostil or not? Everyone speak on a miscellaneous. To me did or made Uzi, speak, that ZHT is, but not the fact that there was an ovulation at such schedule. This month I shall hand over garmony on 22 j day of a cycle. It can already give vse-taki a trustworthy information?

Kamenetskij B.A.
13.05.2004, 08:35
Lina! The yellow body can appear only after the occured or happened ovulation. The basal temperature in the given situation does not carry any diagnostic value.

14.05.2004, 12:18
Well and well! In fact ZHT at me found in a cycle without stimulation. The schedule has not liked, though I warned, that not always as it is necessary measured. And here have appointed or nominated klostil. What now will be? And I thought, that at last that have found the doctor to whom I can trust. For me it so is important. Advise what steps to me to undertake next month? Speak in fact from klostila a heap of mucks can be.

14.05.2004, 15:54
At me, for example, after 2 h cycles with klostilom has appeared two cysts though earlier even the hint on them was not!

15.05.2004, 02:24
I terribly am afraid of it or this. What to do or make? If to be carried on uzi, for what day of a cycle?

Kamenetskij B.A.
16.05.2004, 04:34
Lina! Probably it is not absolutely logical to spend stimulation of an ovulation if she occurs or happens independently. Can be it is meaningful spend more tchaetlnoe inspection for specification of the reason of sterility or barrenness, and then begin treatment. It is the most logical to spend such inspection in the specialized center on treatment of sterility or barrenness. Within the limits of this forum questions concerning inspection are very often asked at sterility or barrenness. Below I would like to result or bring the list of the inspection, allowing to establish or install the reason of sterility or barrenness and to spend the adequate treatment, recommended in the International Center Genesial Medicine (SPb). Naturally, at revealing any pathology this list can be changed:

Inspection of the husband:
1. spermogramma in view of 3 5 days of continence
2. Morphological research of spermatozoons on Kruger
3. Bacteriological research of an ejaculate

Inspection of the wife:
1. Research of a status of a uterus and permeability of uterine pipes a hysterography or a hysteroscopy and a laparoscopy
2. Analyses of a blood on FSG, LG, 2 (Oestradiolum), Prolactinum, Testosteron-Depotum, Progesteronum, 3, 4, TTG
3. Inspection of a blood on presence antispermalnyh and antifosfolipidnyh antibodies
4. The conclusions of narrow experts under indications
5. Bacteriological research of a material from a urethra and the cervical channel on chlamydias, a mycoplasma and a ureaplasma

Except for the aforesaid before carrying out of procedure EKO (if it is necessary), we spend series of the researches necessary for carrying out of an operative measure (group of a blood and rezus-the factor, analyses of a blood on RW, AIDS and the Australian antigen, the analysis of a blood on a/t to a virus of a hepatitis With, the clinical analysis of a blood + coagulability, smears on flora and a degree of cleanliness, documents on the inspection spent earlier and treatment)

Yours faithfully
To. M. n. B.Kamenetsky

16.05.2004, 21:03
Inspection of US Show body height good body height falikulov, and BT rises only to the extremity or end tsiklai does not rise above 37. Whether there is an ovulation?

17.05.2004, 07:49
Inspection of US Show body height good body height falikulov, and BT rises only to the extremity or end tsiklai does not rise above 37. Whether there is an ovulation?