Просмотр полной версии : The dear doctor. What oral contraceptives are not harmful after three operatsi...

13.05.2004, 15:02
The dear doctor. What oral contraceptives are not harmful after three operations on excision of fibroadenomas of a thoracal gland? The first operation was 15 years ago, last two years. The child two months ago was born. That you will advise as contraceptives. Thanks!

14.05.2004, 22:32
You throw this muck! Farmkompanii on what only cunnings do not go to sell production. The fibroadenoma - not the most unpleasant, that can be after OK. Adenomas of a liver, a hyperplasia endometrija, bezplodie, atrerialnaja a hypertonia... Will suffice?

The anonym
16.05.2004, 11:22
And especially - after sorts or labors if there is a milk.

Savchenko A.A.
17.05.2004, 03:45
Really list of side effects of hormonal contraceptives big. The harmless agent does not exist. But harm from undesirable pregnancy and abortion still above. It is necessary to choose From two harms smaller. Consultation is necessary and inspection is possible or probable to decide what agent of contraception to recommend you (hormonal preparations, an endometrial spiral, etc.).