Просмотр полной версии : Hello! Tell or Say, please, I have started to drink "Novinet" and at me pojavi...

16.05.2004, 19:47
Tell or Say, please, I have started to drink "Novinet" and I had a thrush. The gynecologist speaks, what is it no trouble - almost at everyone who drinks contraceptive, it happens. Also that I basically can and not treat. It is the truth? Also tell or say, whether it is dangerous to my partner?
In advance I thank.

Soboleva L.I.
17.05.2004, 01:21
Hello! Special danger molochntsa does not represent, but disease vse-taki rather unpleasant. To treat a thrush it is necessary - in the beginning antimicotic preparations, and then - suppositories with molochno-acidic bacteria.