Просмотр полной версии : Hello. At me two questions. In 2 h different places (both that, and another - se...

14.05.2004, 23:15
Hello. At me two questions. In 2 h different places (both that, and - serious institutions) I handed over another on two analyses on a clamidiosis. Smears from a urethra method PTSR (both there, and there) - it "is revealed". And the different analysis of a blood on antibodies has shown the following. In one case (IFA on sort Chlamydia: chl. Trachomatis, chl. Pnemoniae, chl. Psittaci) IgM - are not revealed, IgG - 1 : 400, IgA - 1 : 400. In other (IFA on Chlamydia Trachomatis) IgG - 1 : 50, IgA are not revealed. Kak-that is strange it, - to mine. What clamidiosis at me, what is it in general all means? It would be desirable to hear your comment. And more one question. The doctor, from which superfluous word " ticks or mites to not pull out ", has registered to me of the order 10 ti medicines (and doses of the doctor of time in 1, 5 - 2 more than are certain in instruktsijah-I did not buy while, on the Internet has looked or seen). Wash the friend spoke, that accepted only three medicines + vitamins. At me in a course too is politaminy and " for protection of a liver ".. ., but such preparations minority. That you think on it or this poodu. Can address to other doctor.? Then advise where better (in Moscow)? That the serious office was (it is desirable state, instead of private or individual) that experts skilled or experienced were, but not "line" (without " zamylennogo eyes "). It whenever possible, certainly. In advance I thank for answers.

Irtuganov N.S.
16.05.2004, 10:15
Scientific research institute of microbiology it or him. Gamalei, street Gamalei, the house 18

17.05.2004, 00:18
You, g-n Irtuganov, have recommended such "hole"! However, vybirat-that there is nothing...