Просмотр полной версии : The doctor, I yesterday have fallen: (((((. Has slipped vse-taki though I go ostorozh...

Nastja, 14 ned.
16.05.2004, 15:46
The doctor, I yesterday have fallen: (((((. Has slipped vse-taki though I go cautiously and was with the husband. Impact was soft (vse-taki the husband chut-hardly has detained falling) and has had napravyj a side. And now I sit and I listen to each rustle. Hardly the stomach or belly on the right, there hurts where there was an appendix (is cut out), but not as hurted or were ill;were sick before soldering. And the loin hurts opposite. What is it. It from falling? What can be with the child? What to do or make, where to run whether how to check up all normally? If this falling kak-that has affected or influenced, whether it will be visible at once or eto-a delayed-action bomb? It is necessary to be afraid of what signs?

Oshchepkova S.R.
16.05.2004, 20:53
At occurrence smearing krov. vydeleny from sexual ways, intensifying of pains and slobosti, a giddiness it is urgent to the doctor or to cause or call "first aid". Now you can accept but - shpu, suppositories with a papaverine and Valeriana + make US. If vtechenii day nothing has occured or happened, anything and to not happen.