Просмотр полной версии : The dear doctor, tell or say, whether it is possible to catch household by (for example, in...

14.05.2004, 15:43
The dear doctor, tell or say, whether it is possible to catch household by (for example, in pool, at using an another's bathroom) a clamidiosis, a mycoplasmosis, a ureaplasmosis? We with the husband already had these infections, but we were already treated. Whether means it, what at us special predisposition to catch once again? That neither I, nor the husband could not catch sexual by, we are assured. And the second question - on the sea too is probability to pick up these or other infections? At polzovaniii another's utensils?

16.05.2004, 02:08
Sexual way or treatment it is insufficiently effective.

The anonym
16.05.2004, 14:47
The dear doctor, my question was in, whether it is possible to catch a clamidiosis, urea-and miko-plasma in bessejne, on the sea, through using of an another's bathroom? Whether it is valid at those who was already treated from these infections, there is a special predilection and in the future to be ill with them?