Просмотр полной версии : Hello. I tubal sterility or barrenness, in dekabra had a first pregnancy...

10.05.2004, 09:32
Hello. I tubal sterility or barrenness, in dekabra had a first pregnancy - extrauterine. The second pipe is remediless. With 2000. With the husband could not get rid of a ureaplasma, were longly treated. Were checked constantly by method PTSR. After last positive take have postponed treatment for a while. In a year after last positive take, by preparation to EKO (April) have handed over bakposev on a ureaplasma - the answer negative. It is necessary once again peresdat or to hand over a blood? Whether could PTSR give false positive result (4 or 5 times?)? It for us is important. EKO it is planned for the extremity or end of May, it would not be desirable if bjaka is that she has got out during the most improper moment. Thanks for the answer in advance.

Kamenetskij B.A.
13.05.2004, 13:35
PTSR can give false positive result. Except for that detection of a ureaplasma even in crops (in a credit <10* 4) without sootvetsvujushchej clinics is not the basis for statement of the diagnosis, and consequently also carrying out of treatment.

16.05.2004, 12:55