Просмотр полной версии : I so rasstroenna that at us already 4 aja attempt also nothing not poluchaetsja segod...

The anonym
07.05.2004, 10:42
I so rasstroenna that at us already 4 aja attempt also nothing not poluchaetsja today have begun minstruatsija. If you knew as I it I transfer or carry. I do not know but to me to become very badly during this moment I think that for me the life has ended. But why not poluchaetsja. Analyses all handed over answers positive, it's OK. First time in 2003 I eat to year in December have conceived it has turned out from the first, it is simple to us has not carried with the first on 6 oh to week there was an abortion. Has passed or has taken place already half a year and now 3 4 months staraemsja to conceive there is nothing not poluchaetsja. Why? What reason?

10.05.2004, 08:44
The main thing to not worry and to not be nervous!
We too tried since 2004. In February after 10 days zaderzhki-monthly: (have then got married in the extremity or end of June, about all have forgotten, have relaxed and here the fifth week:))))) Eat vitamins, fruit, walk, do not go in cycles also all will be! It so from seems, that it is easy or light to speak! But believe to me, I have tested too, as you so you can believe to me! Success and patience!!!!

The anonym
12.05.2004, 23:23
Thanks you big Alisa. You have very much calmed me.

16.05.2004, 03:37
If there was 1 pregnancy will be and 2 aja, believe!