Просмотр полной версии : The dear doctor! Very much I ask you to answer my question. On November, 28th was pre...

13.05.2004, 04:58
The dear doctor! Very much I ask you to answer my question. On November, 28th there was an interrupted sexual certificate or act. Monthly irregular, t. To. Since August the beginning of a cycle has passed with 13 in aguste on 03 in November. A delay 1 day (proceeding from last month), test ClearBlue has shown negative result. Pregnancy is how much probable. I very much worry and any more I do not know, that to me to do or make... Help or assist, please!!! Yours faithfully and gratitude.

14.05.2004, 20:02
Good afternoon! Most likely pregnancy is not present, but there are cases when at a small delay the test does not show it or her. Descend or go in hospital, hand over a blood, this analysis is more correct.

16.05.2004, 02:13
kupite test na beremennost, francuzkiy po moemu, no kupite tot chto podoroze.
Utrom proverte v vannoi. Kak pravilo, esli chto-to est-pokazet 99 %.
Posle etogo chtobi udostoveritsya polnostiyu mozno i k doctroru poiti, horoshiy doctror pri prosmotre opredelyat na 2 nedele daze.