Просмотр полной версии : Hello, the doctor! Wished to result or bring the conclusion onkoginekologa: zh-to g...

14.05.2004, 21:27
Hello, the doctor!
Wished to result or bring the conclusion onkoginekologa: zh-to a hyperplasia endometrija.
Gistootvet N 11096 7. Endometrija corresponds or meets to the extremity or end of a phase of a proliferation, the beginning of a phase of secretion of a menstrual cycle. Atypias are not present. This conclusion from 20.12.01. The currettage was 07.09.01. Today the doctor on a residence has appointed or nominated djufaston with 5 for 25 days menstr. A cycle.
How you consider or count, whether purpose or appointment is correct?
Whether also it is necessary to hand over the analysis on sexual hormones to receive a hormonetherapy?

Savchenko A.A.
16.05.2004, 00:27
In resulted or brought by you gist. The conclusion it is not told or said about presence of a hyperplasia endometrija. Necessities for special treatment by result gist. Researches are not present. But there are many other reasons on the basis of which your doctor could appoint or nominate a preparation. Not in all cases on hormones the analysis is necessary for purpose or appointment gorm. Treatments.