Просмотр полной версии : Hello! At me dysfunction of ovaries and from Marvelona at me has appeared mo...

Katya, 19 years
15.05.2004, 01:04
Hello! At me dysfunction of ovaries and from Marvelona at me has appeared a thrush. The doctor has registered to me 10 days of Clotrimazolum and one tablet Medofljukona. Has passed or has taken place a burning sensation after water and at an emiction, vydeleny became less, but the itch all peerly remains. As will get rid of an itch. What preparations can be used still? Whether it is necessary to stop reception Marvelona or it is possible for something to replace it or him? To the doctor I can not address, t. To. She in holiday.

15.05.2004, 22:41
I doubt, that reception marvelona has caused or called such phenomena. Probably infection which is available you is not sensitive to Clotrimazolum. Usatenko F.N.