Просмотр полной версии : Hello, the doctor! Whether reception of hormonal tablets razvi can lead...

Concealling or Thawing
14.05.2004, 12:06
Hello, the doctor! Whether reception of hormonal tablets can lead to development vaginalnoj to an infection (for example, thrushes)? Without consultation of the doctor it has started to be protected Tri-regolom then the strong itch has begun, and hardly have appeared tvorozhestye allocation later. I to drink tablets has thrown or stopped, and the itch has remained. On the party or side of contacts was not, (the husband it is confident). Really it iz-for tablets?

Pasenjuk A.M.
15.05.2004, 11:54
Yes, on background OK development uslovnopatogennoj florae, in particular a candidiasis is possible or probable. Visit or attend the doctor, make a smear on flora. Spend treatment.