Просмотр полной версии : Kind time of day! The girlfriend went to hospital with the purpose to learn or find out with what protivo...

14.05.2004, 01:33
Kind time of day! The girlfriend went to hospital with the purpose to learn or find out what contraceptive tablets her is necessary to use. First has handed over a smear, and then, in some days, the analysis of a blood. By results of a smear to her the doctor has advised to sprinkle butter or oil of a tea tree (allocation were muddy). Having looked or seen results of the analysis of a blood (in some days), the doctor has told or said, that at it or her a colpitis and has registered terzhinan. Today she has started to use terzhinanom and there was a question: to stop to sprinkle butter or oil of a tea tree or to continue (butter or oil it is treated in the mornings, and tablets for the night)??? And more pair questions. Whether alcohol influences contraceptive effect the COOK (to her have advised tri-regol)? The Contraceptive effect is reached or achieved from first days of reception tri-regola or any time is necessary? In advance many thanks.

Soboleva L.I.
15.05.2004, 05:54
Hello! 1. To ask details of treatment it is necessary at that doctor who appointed or nominated this treatment. 2. The moderate doses of alcohol do not reduce effect OK, and here at reception of greater or big doses of alcohol, the subsequent vomiting depression of effect OK is possible or probable. 3. The high-grade contraceptive effect develops on 2 month of reception of a preparation so in the first month it is necessary to apply additional methods of contraception. 4. Consider, that preparation Tri-regol is removed or taken off from manufacture and gradually disappears from drugstores. It is more expedient to choose other preparation for contraception.