Просмотр полной версии : Hello. To me 24 years. Here already almost year we with the husband unsuccessfully try...

11.05.2004, 20:29
Hello. To me 24 years. Here already almost we with the husband unsuccessfully try to get or start year of the baby. The menses has begun late (15 years) and till now was not established or installed (maks. A delay of 7 months). The last some cycles have measured temperature, in first half (she lasts always - to a miscellaneous: 28, 56, 37) compare temperature 36, 3, and in the second (she nearby 2 h weeks) 36, 7. Precise jump is not present, after the first substantial increase, she that rises, falls. It turns out, that there is no ovulation. On US, kak-that spoke, that follicles slowly grow. In me 3 years ago on physical examination in institute have found out erosion, tried to cauterize, as it seems to me the laser (or something like that), nothing has turned out. Hardly it started to be surveyed at ginekologa-the endocrinologist later. Results, inspections at experts: the oculist, the neuropathologist (KT-a brain), the endocrinologist - without a pathology; The analysis on hormones (it is not known, the truth for what day) - raised or increased Prolactinum (1256, at norm or rate 500). The doctor on treatment of pathologies shejki uteruses, has again found erosion. Unfortunately, on it or this I have thrown inspection and have renewed it or him just now when there was a problem with conception. Handed over on the latent infections at the enterprise, have found a ureaplasma. Right after treatments did not check result, and in 4 months, it or her have found again. It turns out, that she has not recovered. Whether she can cause sterility or barrenness? Has decided to address in ZHK to the doctor treating sterility or barrenness. To me at once, without pilot survey (previous she too did not know results) have appointed or nominated to drink hormonal preparations. First DJUFASTON to cause or call a menses, and then, FEMOSTON 2/10. I have read through the summary to FEMOSTONU, in indications a menopause, and in contraindications pregnancy. How it concerns or touches me? It really is necessary for me? On my questions, the doctor has responded, that wishes to sate or saturate an organism with Progesteronum, and then to stimulate an ovulation. It is a unique way to become pregnant in my case? I read, that at such artificial ways often there are problems during pregnancy. It can be possible kak-to undergo treatment that, and the ovulation will come itself? And more she has told or said, that on this preparation I cannot become pregnant, and to summaries is written, that it is necessary to be protected. Not clearly to that to believe! By the way, again checked erosion. She has remained, the truth, according to the doctor, she is turned off or folded and does not demand treatment. Except for hormones have appointed or nominated antibiotics for treatment of a ureaplasma: JUnidoks SOLJUTOL 1-2-10, Trichopolum 1-3-7, Nistatinum 2-2-10 days and suppositories BETADIN 2-14. In this connection at me a question: Betadin a preparation of an iodine. I put their week, have then ceased. Me have guarded allocation, greater or big thin pieces, as obryvki papers. In the childhood I once had an inflammation from an iodine. It can be kak-that is connected? Than it can threaten me? And also than what I have not recovered can threaten? Respond, please, to my questions. So that would be desirable nakonets-to become mum!!!!!

15.05.2004, 03:05
Marrying, write to me on e-mail, and it is possible or probable, I can help or assist you. In my practice such cases met. Specify city of residing. Sergey. vip6k@bk. ru