Просмотр полной версии : The doctor when has gone to the doctor to me have told or said at me congenital erosion, has gone to d...

14.05.2004, 11:25
The doctor when has gone to the doctor to me have told or said at me congenital erosion, has gone to another, paid, erosions have told or said is not present, but there is a reddening shejki uteruses, analyses on an infection were handed over, have found nothing, than this reddening can be caused or called?

Malanova T.B.
14.05.2004, 19:13
And a colposcopy did or made, and onkotsitologiju did or made?

15.05.2004, 02:37
In female consultation did or made a colposcopy of times in half a year when she has gone already to other doctor has told or said a colposcopy to do or make it is not necessary if I do not have erosion, and reddening often is caused or called by any infection or still something, however any infection have not found... .i I do not know what to do or make..