Просмотр полной версии : At me at a laparoscopy have revealed an endometriosis 4 oh degrees, but ovaries " vovr...

The anonym
14.05.2004, 08:17
At me at a laparoscopy have revealed an endometriosis 4 oh degrees, but ovaries " in time have rescueed or saved " (they have been very increased due to cysts), pipes by way of, a cycle regular; have appointed or nominated hormonal therapy. To me 24 years. We plan to become pregnant in the autumn. What our chances??

Pasenjuk A.M.
14.05.2004, 17:31
I believe, that are great enough, because uterine pipes are passed or taken place;passable, treatment is spent, only at offensive or approach of pregnancy it is necessary carefully e observation of the doctor.