Просмотр полной версии : At me 39 weeks of pregnancy. Doctors plainly cannot tell or say when term mine...

13.05.2004, 11:40
At me 39 weeks of pregnancy. Doctors plainly cannot tell or say when term of my sorts or labors. On US to me to give birth or travail today, and on term of obstetrixes or obstetricses 11. At me 3 days noet a bottom of a stomach or belly and a loin. Today all the night long and morning hurted or was ill;was sick all inside, I mean shejka uteruses and a vagina. Pains periodic, descended or went in a toilet on big has passed or has taken place, and then has again begun, and here I do not know as to think. Explain please if it is preconditions of sorts or labors when it is possible to wait for this miracle.

Pasenjuk A.M.
14.05.2004, 16:46
voobshcheto all described is characteristic for harbingers of sorts or labors, therefore to wait for sorts or labors it is possible any day