Просмотр полной версии : The doctor, tell or say please, whether the usual test for pregnancy give or allow not can...

13.05.2004, 01:54
The doctor, tell or say please, whether the usual test for pregnancy give or allow incorrect result can? I have made already 2 tests and they have shown negatively though my doctor thinks. That I vse-taki am pregnant, by my status

14.05.2004, 02:49
The test defines or determines presence to urine gomrona which nazyvaetsja Chorionic Hubbub of the Person (HGCH). He vydejaetsja only at presence of an embryos. And in any way differently. And this gomron uvelichivaetsja with very fast rate. Therefore happens, that tests which do not show pregnancy can opolosatitsja in day very brightly and vpechatljajushche:) BUT. That kasaetsja you, your doctor obviously not kompetenta. For - the toxicosis and bad statuses are caused by presence in decent kol-ve this hormone in a blood. At you tests otriuatelnye. Your status bad means is caused not HGCH, unfortunately: - (

There is a perfect way to learn or find out beremennst before tests: in a week from CONCEPTION (from the sexual certificate or act, is raspingly speaking though it is a little bit different things:) - you can hand over the BLOOD ON LEVEL HGCH. This analysis gives exact result. 100 %. And owing to exact value or meaning;importance it is possible to learn or find out exact term of yours beresennosti. And to not wait for tests house. Success!