Просмотр полной версии : Girls! Whether the child inside of mother, if mother very full suffers? (110 to...

11.05.2004, 22:07
Girls! Whether the child inside of mother, if mother very full suffers? (110 kg)

14.05.2004, 01:30
Certainly excess weight of future mum is not plus. Whether the child fetally US, analyses suffers will define or determine only, etc. At excess weight often there is such problem as the raised or increased blood pressure of mum, a diabetes mellitis. Such mum should keep strictly references of the observing gynecologist, correctly to eat and remember, what purposefully to grow thin during pregnancy to her it is impossible, but to adjust or regulate the ration it is necessary. Much full women bear pregnancy without special problems and at them healthy kids are born, therefore it is not necessary to be adjusted or be set up in advance on a bad outcome. Success.