Просмотр полной версии : Zdrastvujte the doctor!!! We awfully are afraid zaberemennet. Therefore ispolzue...

12.05.2004, 03:12
Zdrastvujte the doctor!!! We awfully are afraid zaberemennet. Therefore we use 2 contraceptives simultaneously - a condom and spermitsid (in structure of which nonoksinol-9 and analogue to which - Panteks-Oval). But we use condoms "Djureks" that already with spermitsidnoj greasing, in structure of which also nonoksinol-9. Whether It is possible to apply suppositories in that case??? Or then will be a condom enough. How much reliably it? And how much once a day it is possible to use these suppositories in day and with what intervals? Whether they are dangerous, t. e, whether burn mucous vaginas??? Thanks huge!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

12.05.2004, 20:41
Suppositories it is possible to apply so much once a day, how much you will have affinity. Nonoksinol-chemical substance, and its or his action on an epithelium of a vagina it is impossible to name salutary, especially if there is an erosion shejki uteruses. Nevertheless your way by efficiency does not concede to hormonal preparations.

13.05.2004, 17:52
Julia, and tell or say pozhalusta, unless it is not enough only a condom with spermitsidnoj greasing? Or vse-taki it is better to be insured???