Просмотр полной версии : Pregnancy of 30 weeks. Pelvic bones at night hurt, I feel, as razva...

12.05.2004, 01:50
Pregnancy of 30 weeks. Pelvic bones at night hurt, I feel, as razvalina. To change position in a bed or at night to rise slozhnovato. Read, that so it is necessary is a special hormone. Except for a basin for about a week brushes and fingers of arms or hand at night and at daybreak have started to ache a bit and be held down, such sensation, that all put I worked as a shovel (can who remembers if who kogda-nibud weeded a potato or went with a serious watering can on a kitchen garden after that arms or hand as hooks:)). In the afternoon of sensation decrease, but do not disappear. I the musician and arms or hand with fingers for me the important part of my organism. A question such: whether it can be connected too with this hormone?

The anonym
12.05.2004, 10:03
The only thing that I know, what is it at many. to. Bones miss to prepare patrimonial ways for sorts or labors. Probably, what is it occurs or happens just under action of this hormone.

The anonym
12.05.2004, 16:46
And it can something of type of an arthritis (or as that of that type). Disease of joints. Descend or go to the doctor.

13.05.2004, 17:45
Can, the doctor knows, which answers questions? Hardly it is an arthritis. At me he "has arisen" only recently, couple of weeks back. And, when you will work in the afternoon gymnastics, pelvic bones at night hurt less. The Musical instrument while is not present the house, therefore in occasion of gymnastics of fingers I can tell or say nothing. Pelvic bones is precisely hormone, I would like to know, whether he can operate or work and on other bones, for example, as in my case - on fingers of arms or hand.