Просмотр полной версии : Zdrastvujte the doctor! Prompt pzhalusta. At me penultimate mesjatsnye...

12.05.2004, 04:24
Zdrastvujte the doctor! Prompt pzhalusta. At me penultimate mesjatsnye were with 21 dkarja on January, 1st and last monthly send or have come on February, 14th with 22 fevrvlja went monthly very poorly only on utrnam a drop vyhila and all.. Were more shortly smeared... So proceeded up to 29 fkevralja. On February, 20th I have gone to the gynecologist and me zdelali uzi and the doctor have told or said that does not see potalogy lays down in hospital. What is it tipo monthly. Also have registered to have a drink Dicynonum on 1 tab 3 times a day 4 days. And Diana 35. 3 days botched work has passed or has taken place Dicynonum of a propyl, today went to the gynecologist with pains inside (as privospolenii) the doctor appointed or nominated uzi on subotu has told or said that the uterus is increased. Tell or say what is it can be.... Temperature normal. And more at me ammenoreja 2 degrees. disfknktsija ovaries. 2 years nazat there was a resection of ovaries. And more. She polazila today inside and at me it was slightly brushed.. I uzhastno experience. Thanks!

Malanova T.B.
13.05.2004, 10:36
1. Amenorrheas at you cannot be, as you menstruate. 2. And whether there is no at you a pregnancy?