Просмотр полной версии : UNIT OF VASCULAR SURGERY Silvija Ivanov Baneva Has acted or arrived: 11...

11.05.2004, 23:14

Silvija Ivanov Baneva

Has acted or arrived: 11.03.2002 It is written out: 22.03. 2002.

The final diagnosis: the Phlebothrombosis femoro-poplitealnoj veins on the right. Talasemija a minor. A tumour of a cavity of a stomach or belly.

The anamnesis: several months ago has received an edema and a pain in the right leg or foot. Treatment of a diskopathy without effect is spent. At the night of a pain and an edema did not decrease and did not stop.

The general or common status: the Right leg or foot with the subfascial edema covering and a femur. Hypodermic veins are strained. Signs Mozesa and Homansa are positive. polpatorna a pain on a line of Kent.
Researches: Gemoglobin-96, Eritrotsity-3, 16, Gemotokrit-32 %, Lejkotsity-7, 2. The Bleeding time of 2 minutes, time of coagulation 4 minutes 30 sec.. Saccharum in a blood 4, 8. Urea 5, 9. Kreatenin 112. The general or common fiber 70. Hepatic assays SGOT 15; SGPT 8.

Treatment is spent: Detralex 2x1: Heparin ux 5000 E: Aprauax 2x1. Iz-for the opened uterine bleedings antikoaguljantnye preparations have been cancelled. The tomography of organs of a cavity of a stomach or belly and a small basin is spent kompjuternaja. There are no changes in structure or frame of a parenchyma of a liver and a lien. Intrahepatic vessels are not much expanded. A hydronephrosis on the right. The increased lymph nodes periaortally are not found out. In the field of a small basin between a rectum and a bladder it is revealed mjagkotkannoe education with non-uniform structure or frame and rather sharp outlines. In the neighbourhood with a uterus on the right it is established or installed mjagko-woven education - probably package of the increased lymph nodes. There are no data about infiltration in nearby osteal educations.

The conclusion kompjuternoj tomographies: Tumoral educations in a small basin.

27.03.2002 Kompjuternaja a tomography.

The analysis kompjuternoj tomographies: Tumoral education in a small basin with solid structure or frame, prorostajushchee in the surrounding tissues, pressing and deforming, an adjoining wall of a bladder. On the right parailiachno and presakralno the lymph nodes forming massive tumoral education are increased. The right ureter is surrounded and razshiren on the whole length with a hydronephrosis of a right kidney without damage of thickness of a parenchyma. Periaortally and pericavally, up to a level of a bifurcation, the augmentation limfatricheskih sites is not revealed. A liver without metastasises.

Rengenoskopija organs of a thoracal cavity and aim rengenografija hearts and lungs. Anfasnaja renrengenografija haunch bones.

In the bottom segments of the right lung lateralno prestenechno blackout with low polotnostju the wrong form, settling down in a parenchyma of a lung is revealed.
Haunch bones without changes. Intensity zatemnenenija in a crest right povzdoshnoj bones About right sakroiliachnogo a synchondrosis, most likely from soft tissues is not much raised or increased.
The diagnosis: Doubt about an individual pulmonary metastasis. Control research in one month is recommended.

The diagnosis of my girlfriend. We live in Bulgaria


Silvija Ivanov Baneva, 36 years.

Has acted or arrived: 29.03. 2002. It is written out: 05.04. 2002.

The diagnosis: the Cancer shejki uteruses. Doubt about pulmonary metastasises. A status after a radiotherapy symptomatic dekompresivnyj.
The histological diagnosis: Invasive or Aggressive it is weak up to sredne diferentsirovannaja a planocellular carcinoma shejki uteruses.
T 3B H 1 M 1 (pulmo) MKB 180.1 (the international ordering of diseases)
The anamnesis: From September, 2001 Suffers a contact bleeding. Treatment in occasion of inflammatory genikologicheskogo diseases is spent. The contraceptive spiral is removed. In occasion of back pains the disk hernia is diagnosed and treatment with ultrodermoplast is spent. After occurrence of an edema of the right leg or foot in the beginning of March, 2002 Vratsa where it is spent 12 day time treatment about a heparin and detraleks in occasion of a phlebothrombosis in pool in the right femoral veins is accepted in vascular surgery. During treatment sintronom has received a uterine bleeding. At ultrasonic research it is found out tumoral protses in the small basin, confirmed kompjuternoj by a tomography, sprouting in the surrounding tissues, pressing and deforming prilezhashchuju a wall of a bladder. On the right parailiachno and presakralno a package of the increased lymph nodes. The right ureter is surrounded by a tumoral tissue and razshiren. A hydronephrosis of a right kidney without damages porenhimy etoj kidneys. Periaortally and pericavally near a bifurcation the increased lymph nodes are not found out. The painful syndrome in the right leg or foot is strongly expressed.
Objective status: the Satisfactory general or common status. A skin and slizistye-acyanotic. Respiratory and serdechno-vascular system correspond or meet to age norms or rates. ZHivot-palpatornaja morbidity in the right ileal area and above a symphysis. An edema of the right leg or foot on the whole length with a diameter 10 sm in the field of a femur. Strong morbidity at attempts of movement of the right leg or foot.
The local status: the Massive tumour with infiltration in a vulval or vaginal crest or fornix with a diameter 10 see Extensive infiltration around of a rectum and a bladder. Parameters of infiltration are limited tazovymi by walls dvustranno.
Researches: Gemoglobin-94, 9, 3, Trombotsity-329, Saccharum krovi-6, 6, Mochevina-2, 82. Treatment from 01.04 is spent. Up to 05.04. 2002. The telescale therapy small taza-5x4 Su is spent paliativnaja obezbalivajushchaja. The patient has transferred or carried treatment well. Iz-for the expressed painful syndrome therapy with Lidol, Analgin, Durodzhesik is spent obezbalivajushchaja medikomentoznaja. With the purpose degitrotatsii and decreases of an edema of the right leg or foot treatment about Dexamethazonum and Manitol.

It is written out with the reference to continue obezbalivajushchuju therapy with Durodzhesik. On 24.04.2002 the tomography of a small basin and specification of therapeutic tactics is appointed or nominated control kompjuternaja.

Savchenko A.A.
13.05.2004, 02:01
Dear Galina, in what a question?

Toropov E.N. hstom119@yandex.ru
13.05.2004, 04:43
Direct the extract to the address of www. kb119. ru on guest page or on mine E-mail or on hospital119@mtu-net. ru