Просмотр полной версии : Boris Aleksandrovich! Respond, please! Up to ZHanina I accepted tsiklo-about...

12.05.2004, 10:33
Boris Aleksandrovich! Respond, please! Up to ZHanina I accepted tsiklo-proginovu, monthly were, but poor or scanty enough, have then passed on ZHanin, there were more plentiful, but in due course (I accept 9 months) more poorly and more poorly. This time do not send or have come absolutely. Today 12 day after last tablet. Anything is not present. Thanks.

Kamenetskij B.A.
13.05.2004, 00:09
How much or As far as I understand a question in that why was not present monthly. Probably it is connected with lower maintenance or contents of estrogens in a preparation accepted by you.