Просмотр полной версии : The doctor prompt please, that such hyperfunction of ovaries, whether it is harmful et...

08.05.2004, 19:06
The doctor prompt please, what such hyperfunction of ovaries, whether it is harmful and whether it is necessary to something to do or make with it or this (me 22 years)?
Thankful in advance.

Maljarskaja M.M.
09.05.2004, 19:08
Hyperfunctions of ovaries do not happen. There is a hypofunction (a disadvantage of estrogens) and a failure ljuteinovoj phases (a disadvantage of Progesteronum). It is superfluous functions does not happen, only if to consider or count to her hyperstimulation - the superfluous answer to medicamental stimulation of an ovulation.

11.05.2004, 00:41
The doctor of thanks what have corrected, whether but a short of my question it is necessary for something to do or make with it or this to treat or not?
PS Me treated for this hypofunction Djufastonom, and from it or him the cyst was formed. Thanks God in hospital the skilled or experienced doctor has decided to wait, to not hurry up with cleaning, and has appointed or nominated to have a drink Femoden then the cyst was gone.

Pasenjuk A.M.
12.05.2004, 09:45
While to do or make nothing, the hypofunction is dangerous at attempt to become pregnant, therefore or sapmo to be restored, or during offensive or approach of pregnancy will accept preparations.

12.05.2004, 20:10
Thanks big for the valuable information!