Просмотр полной версии : Zdrastvujte. I had a sexual certificate or act without preservation 20/06/03 after these or it...

11.05.2004, 15:40
I had a sexual certificate or act without preservation 20/06/03 after etigo has drunk postinor one tablet in 1 hour, the second in 12 hours. Last monthly were 10/06/03 duration of 5 days, the previous cycle was 13/05/03 18/05/03.
What opportunity zaberemennit and when dolzhy to come monthly after acceptance postinora?
In advance thanks.

Soboleva L.I.
12.05.2004, 19:21
Hello! After reception postinora the menses can come or step in time, earlier or after expected term. The probability of pregnancy on a background of reception postinora is insignificant, but nevertheless completely to exclude it or her it is impossible.