Просмотр полной версии : Dear, the doctor, I live in Canada. In results of DADDIES of the test or dough at me obnaruzhe...

10.05.2004, 09:29
Dear, the doctor, I live in Canada. In results of DADDIES of the test or dough in me it is found out presence Papiloma of a virus and the Dysplasia. Here doctors speak, that no trouble. Whether advise please treatment and what is necessary for me??

Savchenko A.A.
11.05.2004, 11:08
Observation is possible or probable. If the dysplasia will repeat, will pass in serious or there will be clinical displays then it is shown konizatsija. In such cases also apply interferons. But they the extremely dear or expensive and effect not high.

11.05.2004, 20:03
U mneya tazhe shtuka bila v USA. Srazy sdelali LEEP i udalili eti kletki. Zachem zhdat konizacii? Displaziya imeet obiknovenie perexodit v onkologiu. Procedura zanimaet 10 minut.

Savchenko A.A.
12.05.2004, 18:45
LEEP it too konizatsija only it is executed by an electric loop. Konizatsija also it is carried out by a laser knife, a ultrasonic knife and a "cold" knife t. e. A scalpel.