Просмотр полной версии : Prompt how to reveal the reason of the Candidiasis, please. 2 times am flied or treated already for...

10.05.2004, 19:40
Prompt how to reveal the reason of the Candidiasis, please. 2 times for half a year am flied or treated already, and any gynecologist cannot name to me plainly the reason - who speaks, that from the partner, who, that from a wrong delivery of condoms... What to do or make and how to be protected, that this muck again did not arise?
Slyshvla about a new medicine - Mikosist. Whether he is effective. My gynecologist has told or said, that one tablet promotes disappearance or eradication of a thrush for 1 year. Whether the truth it?

Pasenjuk A.M.
11.05.2004, 16:02
The reason of a candidiasis - depression of immunity and body height uslovnopatogennoj florae, in particular mushrooms. Therefore complex treatment (perroralno - antimikotiki (in particular Flukonazol (he difljukan, mikosist, fljukostat is shown....) + local treatment + immunomoduljatory + an eutrophy

Pasenjuk A.M.
12.05.2004, 09:27
The reason of a candidiasis - depression of immunity and body height uslovnopatogennoj florae, in particular mushrooms. Therefore complex treatment (perroralno - antimikotiki (in particular Flukonazol (he difljukan, mikosist, fljukostat is shown....) + local treatment + immunomoduljatory + an eutrophy