Просмотр полной версии : Hello, the doctor. Tell or say, please, than I can replace dislike for m...

11.05.2004, 21:26
Hello, the doctor. Tell or say, please, than I can replace dislike for milk or dairy products of type of cottage cheese and so forth in which the calcium contains? I accept "Maternu", but hardly it is enough of it or this? Perhaps, to buy or purchase gluconat of a calcium? How in that case it or him to accept? Also tell or say, please, still, whether it is necessary to accept vitamin E separately. At me term of 16 weeks. Big to you thanks.

Pasenjuk A.M.
12.05.2004, 01:50
In first half of pregnancy there is no additional need or requirement for a calcium in the form of preparations - it or him enough soderzhitsja in "Materne". But it is not necessary to refuse milk or dairy products absolutely - do or make a milk or dairy cocktail, eat firm syrju Vitamin E it is not necessary to accept in addition.