Просмотр полной версии : Hello. Help or assist, please to understand with a problem. I tell-...

10.05.2004, 20:25
Hello. Help or assist, please to understand with a problem. I tell - to the order. In August has given birth to the child. In October have come or stepped monthly. And there were each 10 days on a week. I, according to the gynecologist, began to accept eksljuton (since November). And here, with 8 go November and till now monthly IN GENERAL is not present. Did or made the test for pregnancy - negative. Respond please, in what the reason of absence monthly? Can stop reception eksljutona? In advance it is very grateful.

Pasenjuk A.M.
11.05.2004, 23:47
If you feed the child they could "disappear" on a background of a lactemia and reception of Progestinums. An occasion for a cancelling of a preparation I do not see