Просмотр полной версии : Hello! To me have told or said that there are such tablets which it is possible prin...

09.05.2004, 12:47
Hello! To me have told or said that there are such tablets which can be accepted after sexual communication or connection for that that not zaberemenit. Whether So it? If so as they are called? Whether it is possible to get them in territory of Russia or Ukraine?

10.05.2004, 15:09
Valery, these tablets are called "postinor". I several days ago have used them. It is necessary to accept one tablet within 72 hours after the certificate or act and more one later 12 hours. Tablets contain any dose of female hormones which prevent a fertilization. However, I have a by-effect which now very much disturbs me: the bleeding - as not planned monthly has begun. So postinor it is possible to apply only as a last resort.

11.05.2004, 23:04
It is better to not lead up at all to reception "postinora" - there are other ways of contraception. In general many gynecologists already forbid this preparation (and correctly do or make). He will not give 100 % of protection against pregnancy to you, and can cause or call and "stood" if for example, an ovulation at the expert nevertheless will have time to occur or happen before its or his reception - it is necessary to you?: